Friday, February 20, 2009

So Proud.

I stressed and stressed awaiting bedtime last night and expected a choppy night of sleep myself with the transition to a big boy bed. Prayer works, folks! Barrett slept all through the night by himself in his very own big boy bed. Not a peep 'til morning. I know this is a trivial accomplishment/answer to prayer in the grand scheme of things, but I was so thankful for this little blessing. I had a little bit of trouble getting him down for his nap today, but after I laid with him for about five or ten minutes he drifted off to sleep and I was able to slip out of the room. He is doing so well. I made a ridiculously big deal out of how well he did, complete with cheering, so that he would know how proud I was and what a big boy he had been. We even went and bought him a prize for doing so well...his very own play tool box with a toy hammer ("knock, knock"), saw, and screw driver ("driver"). He was so tickled. I know this is not a one night or day transition, but I am hopeful and thankful for the progress thus far.

1 comment:

jamie said...

Praise the Lord. This gives me hope... Like I said, we haven't attempted with Grace yet, and haven't gotten the bed over to our house yet... but I am so proud of little B. What a big boy!