Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Boy Furniture

Barrett's big boy furniture came in today and looks great! We have been trying to play up the whole bit of him being a big boy now with his 2nd birthday fast approaching and needing to move the baby furniture to the nursery for baby Jace. We picked out sheets yesterday for the bed and it came today while he was playing at mother's day out. He was really excited to see it all in his room and helped me put the sheets on. He did NOT like the idea of sleeping in the big boy bed however. He screamed and screamed with big alligator tears streaming down his cheeks. It was so sad. I tried laying down with him to no avail. Finally after 20 minutes of screaming we took a break and went to pick up Briley from the vet. He fell asleep in the car and I deposited a sleeping Barrett into the big boy bed. Hopefully he will not be traumatized when he awakens and I will pray for a smoother transition tonight. We still have to paint the room and rearrange/add accessories. I'll post a pic of the final product when it is finished!

1 comment:

Aunt Gail said...

I guess the frequent moves in the army made transitioning to "big boy beds" less traumatic for the boys. Of course they had the trauma of moving into a totally different dwelling. We moved to Clarksville when Josh was almost 2 and to San Antonio, TX when Jarrod was 2. I had to lay down with Josh until he was 4 but Jarrod was delighted as he and Josh shared a room. Oh, the transitions in childhood.
Hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Grey is on antibiotics for a double ear infection and Jax was running 103 fever today so he probably has one too. Both have been snotty for a while now. Hurry spring and summer!
Love you all. XXXOOO