Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's a...


I have to admit I was quite surprised to find out we'll be having another boy (Adam thought boy all along). It only took me a few short hours to get really excited about it though. Barrett has been so fun and I know the next will be the same. Also, it will be more of a built in playmate for Bear since they will be the same sex.

Of highest importance, the baby looked very healthy. We were told he had a pretty spine and a pretty heart. All four limbs were present and complete with fingers and toes. Both kidneys present. The proper amount of vessels in the umbilical cord, facial features correct, etc... Everything checked out just fine. I was able to sigh a big sigh of relief at that. I guess as a nurse I know too much of what can go wrong, that it was a bit unnerving waiting on the ultrasound.

I go back in 4 weeks for a routine check-up. Then four weeks after that I go back for a routine check-up and my glucose screening that checks for gestational diabetes. We can also opt to do a 4D ultrasound between 29-32 weeks. I believe I am going to pursue that option this go round. I'll keep you updated and try to post some ultrasound pics on here within the next few days. Thank you for your continued prayers for mom, baby, and family.


Jacki Duke said...

congrats on another precious boy! love y'all!

holly said...

another "great"!
love ya'll