Friday, January 8, 2010

Barrett Potty Training

Hard to believe my first baby is now just two months shy of being 3! I remember thinking that the first week of his life went by so quickly and in only 51 more bursts of the same he would be a year. I knew his little life was going to fly. It has gone by even faster than I envisioned!

I am determined for him to be out of diapers by the time he is 3. We started potty training last week, putting him in big boy undies except to sleep and for outings. He had only one accident each day until yesterday which was his first accident-free day!!!!!! Yea!!!!!!! I am so proud and am feeling otpimistic at our progress thus far. He is even complaining if his diaper gets wet when he has worn them and is going to the potty at mother's day out! He is proud of himself too and enjoying the M's, worms, and Reese cups for rewards!

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