Monday, March 30, 2009

7 Month Belly Pics

I have reached the monumental third trimester! Feeling pretty well. Sleep is becoming more difficult, interrupted by trips to the bathroom once more, and filled with crazy dreams--I remember having very vivid dreams while pregnant with Barrett as well. I am craving veggies, fruit, and sweets and have a slight aversion to Mexican food minus the chips, cheese dip, and salsa. Slightly ironic as it was reversed with my first pregnancy. I craved Mexican and Itallian and had an aversion to sweets the first trimester. Jace is most active in the afternoon, evening, and night right now. He is fond of my left side. Two weeks from today we go for our next visit and 4-D ultrasound! Can't wait to see what he looks like.

Adam painted the nursery this weekend--a cheerful, baby blue. We hope to have the majority of the decorations hung on Tuesday. I will take a pictures then. Also need to add pics of Bear's big boy room.

1 comment:

jamie said...

So adorable. You are such a cute pregger-lady! Can't wait to see the nursery and big-boy room~