Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We finally have a due date!

I actually look like a baby now!
(Head to the right. Rump to the left.)

I went to the OB doctor yesterday for my routine visit. They repeated an ultrasound because we had conflicting due dates from the first ultrasound and the usual method of calculation :) Now we have a confirmed due date of June 17, 2009. That means I am 11 weeks today; almost through the first trimester! The baby was very active and trying to suck on its thumb. It was really exciting. The heart beat was strong and at a rate of 154/min. We go back in 4 weeks for our next visit. They will do the AFP test that tests for an increased risk of Down's syndrome at that time. They will do another ultrasound the following visit (late January) to look at all the organs and determine the gender.


jamie said...

both my girl's heartbeats were/are in the 150's in-utero....I'm just saying is all... I know this is an old wife's (sp?) tale... but I'm thinking pink...????!!!

Jacki Duke said...

congrats y'all! so happy for you! aunt holly told me about your glad we'll have a way to keep up with what's going on. take care and love y'all-jacki