Monday, August 17, 2009

Jace @ 2 Months and Being a "Real Mom"

(Sorry this is so belated. I have some other things to post as well as pictures, but I've got two sick boys--impossible for a toddler not to pass on a cold to a baby--and a little bit of sleep, you'll have to be patient with me.)

I took Jace to his 2 month appointment last Thursday. He weighed in at 12# 2.2 oz. (50-75th%) and was 22 and 3/4 in.long (25-50th %). He is getting rolls on his thighs and wrists now. Very squeezable!

He got the dreaded 2 month vaccines. Ironically, it was much harder to withstand the second go- round. I always felt like I just stomached it and felt it was tough love with Bear, so it took me a bit off guard when I got teary with Jace. It didn't help that he was hard to console afterwards. He was crying too hard to suck on the pacifier. SO SAD. He was worn out after and essentially slept for 36 hours except to wake up and eat. No other side effects other than the fatigue and hurt feelings.

He checked out well. The only matter of concern is that he still goes cross-eyed when focusing sometimes. If this is not resolved by his next appt., we will go see a pediatric opthamologist. It is getting less frequent, so I am hopeful that it is just immaturity. He goes back at 4 months.

On another note, Bear has been sick. Just a cold, but unable to go to Mother's Day Out for a week. I try to schedule appointments during his school so that I only have a baby to tag-a-long; however, with him ill, I have toted a toddler and an infant to 3 appointments in the last week. I packed Barrett's backpack with toys, books, and coloring books and tried to give him the expectation and talk it up before we went to any of the appointments. And yes, I did succumb to bribery and promise a prize if he was good--anything to avoid public humiliation from misbehavior and to maintain sanity! I can thankfully say that it went pretty well. Barrett only required a few stern looks and reminders that he would not receive a prize if he did not obey Mommy. I was so proud of both of us! There are those moments in life where you just feel like you accomplished something and you feel like a real mom. This was one of them. Going from one to two children has definitely been an adjustment and I made it by myself through 3 waiting rooms/appointments with both of them. Other such moments include labor, surviving a stomach virus with an infant/toddler, not thinking twice when your kid spits chewed up food into your hand or you wipe the snot/booger from your kids nose with your hand because there is no tissue to be found ;)

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